
Diet And Nutrition

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is Associated with the Nursing ancient science of life since the trip of the mind. Ayurveda, other than providing numerous therapeutic measures for diseases, emphasizes maintenance, promotion of health, and hindrance of diseases through diet and lifestyle regimens. As per writing, life is sustained by a tripod of mental, physical, and non-secular factors recognized by the body (Sharir), senses (Indriyas), mind (Satwa), and spirit (Atma). The physical world together with the chassis springs from the precise combos of five elementary entities viz. Akash, Vayu, Teja, Jala, and Prithvi are said as Panchamahabhutas and thus the soul. Panchamahabhutas type the Tridoshas viz. Vata Dosha, tyrannid Dosha and Kapha Dosha, Dhatus (tissues), and Malas (excretory products). Tridoshas perform physiological activities and are to blame for the integrity of the chassis.

Our Diet

Why diet and nutrition are important?

Diet plays important role in our physical and mental state standing. several common health issues area unit usually prevented or treated by consumption of associate degree honest diet. the following have to be compelled to be followed.
• Wash vegetables & fruits properly before preparation.
• Use boiling, steaming, cookery, etc. as ways of preparation.
• Whole flour (without sieving) might even be ready for making roti. Roti created out of jowar, bajra, ragi, maize (macca) is in addition has high fiber content. the use of sunshine bread, nan, roomali roti and alternative maida preparations ought to be restricted.
• it’s fascinating to want 50-100 gms/day fiber, once whole grain cereals, pulses, and vegetable area unit consumed daily. it’s for our advantage to require care of our ancient preparation and ingestion patterns.
• Increase regionally on the market seasonal fruits and inexperienced bifoliate vegetables at intervals in the diet.
• As so much as attainable eat freshly ready food. Reheating and refrigerant tend to lose the style and nourishment.
• Do eat once you are feeling hungry i.e., don’t avoid mealtimes. Develop the habit of taking meals at regular intervals.
• Avoid gula.
• Avoid ingestion too quick or too slow. Food consumed in haste does not get digestible properly, it does not offer a way of fulfillment. On the contrary, one tends to eat additional.
• Don’t drink an associate degree excessive quantity of or scarce water since each hampers digestion.
• Drinking of luke heat water helps simple passage of motion and pee, enhances biological process power, minimizes the diseases related to the digestive system, and delays aging.
• Don’t eat once the mind is unstable as a result of you may eat less or in excess.
• Avoid significant tasks straight off once meals since the blood circulation is pleased towards the placement of action rather than towards digestion of food. It conjointly creates pressure on the heart. once meals don’t sleep straight off. however, do take a rest for a brief time before resuming your work. Dinner ought to be taken a minimum of 2 hours before sleep.
• Avoid deep-fried foods, limit intake of clarified butter, oils. Cook the vegetables with minimum oil.
• cut back salt and sugar intake.
• Avoid intake of aerated drinks (cola), fast/junk food (Chips, burger, samosa, pizza, etc.).
• Increase intake of milk, buttermilk, Lassi, coconut milk, etc.
• Food ought to be taken once bathing, laundry the hands, legs, and face and with no disturbance.
• whereas taking the food, one should not divert his attention to alternative things.
• once the meals rinse the mouth and hands completely with water. inline with written material the diet is one of the foremost vital factors that have a direct impact on 3 Doshas/humor. to remain these Doshas balanced, our diet ought to contain all Tastes (Rasas) throughout a balanced means. For a healthy person, it’s suggested in written material to not fill abdomen full, whereas taking food. abdomen ought to be divided into 3 parts and one portion ought to be stuffed by food, second by water, and third, ought to be unbroken vacant for movement of Doshas (Humors). the correct amount of food is about upon the character of food substances like heaviness or lightness and biological process power of the person. Food things like flour product, milk product, sugar cane product, pulses like Urad (Phaseolus mungo), meat, etc. are unit significant in nature whereas rice, wheat, pulses like moong dekaliter (green gram), etc. area unit light-weight in nature and easy to digest.

Useful food things for daily use.

  • Edibles ready with cereals like wheat (Gehun/Godhuma) and Barley (Yava)
    • Condiments ready from the meat of animals of arid/dry land,
    • Jivanti (Holostemma adakodien), Radish (Muli), Basal (Vastuka – Bathua), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki- Harad) (), Indian gooseberry (Amalaka- Amla), snake gourd (Patola – Parval) and Vigna radiata (Mudga – Moong), Pomegranate- (Dadima/ Anaar) and Rock salt- (Saindha Namak) area unit fascinating for normal use.
    • Fenugreek (methi) has a high fiber content and is helpful in reducing glucose, sterol, and triglycerides.
    • Green vegetables like Bittergourd (karela), Lettuce leaves, girls finger (bhindi), Carrot (gajar), Soya Beans, Drumstik, and Jambu (Jamun) seeds area unit having helpful effects for individuals plagued by the polygenic disorder. However, Curd, Kshara like Kanji (Alkaline preparations), Vinegar, raw radish, dried meat, pork, the meat of sheep, cow, black gram, bean, stalk roots, the fibers of lotus (Kamalgutta), sweets ready by grinding cereals, dried leaves, and sirup area unit all undesirable for normal use significantly in polygenic disorder patients.





Manisha Prajapati

Hi, I'm Manisha. I believe in a happy and healthy life. My Blog will make you fit & healthy! You will get the latest news and detailed information about health, fitness, and nutrition in a fun way.

Published by
Manisha Prajapati
Tags: Diet

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